Online Brands Nordic AB acquires Bread & Boxers – KOEHLER Capital Partners sells 2/3 of its shares

Our Nasdaq Nordic-listed holding Online Brands Nordic AB acquires the fashion e-commerce company Bread & Boxers. Bread & Boxers’ sales revenue is provisionally estimated at approximately SEK 40m, with an EBITA result of approximately SEK 4.5m for 2021. The company was founded in 2010 and has since grown organically with good profitability.

The preliminary purchase price was SEK 57.5 million, which is divided into a cash payment and a block of shares. In the future, the globalisation of Bread & Boxers will be further promoted in conjunction with Online Brands Nordic AB.

In a separate transaction, KOEHLER Capital Partners is selling roughly 2/3 of its shares in Online Brands Nordic AB to an institutional investor.